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"I Love You You're Perfect Now Change"

June 29 - July 9 2006

The show is a celebration of the mating game as it takes on the truths and myths behind that contemporary conundrum know as “the relationship.” Act I explores the journey from dating and waiting to love and marry, while Act II reveals the agonies and triumphs of in-laws and newborns, trips in the family car and pick-up techniques of the geriatric set. This hilarious revue pays tribute to those who have loved and lost, to those who have fallen on their face at the portal of romance, to those who have dared to ask, “Say, what are you doing Saturday night?

Cast (in order of appearance)

Melissa.................Ruth Ann Pattee

Jennifer.................Jenifer Tuck

Robert..................Jonathan Osborn

Jordan..................Ted Alexander


Director...............Shannon Pitonyak

Producer..............Mitchell Kontoff

Musical Director.......Joan Foster

Assistant to the Director..........Teresa Langston

Choreographer..........Nina Brennan

Costumes..................Ruth Ann Pattee

Stage Manager..........Kate O'Neill

House Manager.......Cindy Seckler

Photographer..........Francis Moran

Publicity & Playbill......Jennifer Howard

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