Almost Maine
February 5 - 14 2015
The play takes place on a cold, clear night in the middle of winter in the remote, mythical town of Almost, Maine. As the northern lights hover in the star-filled sky, Almost’s residents find themselves falling in and out of love in unexpected and often hilarious ways. There is an element of fantasy in the stories: a woman who keeps the pieces of her broken heart in a bag; a man who can’t feel pain (literally) until he learns to love. The plot of each vignette results in some sort of “magical moment” in which characters come to an understanding about what is happening to them. The play appeared off-Broadway in 2006, and since has enjoyed success with regional and community theaters across the country. It has been called “sweet, poignant, and witty” (New York Daily News) and “a whimsical approach to the joys and perils of romance” (New York Times).
Act I
Pete.....................Michael Carr
Ginette ...............Julie Aitcheson
Her Heart
Glory ...................Jenifer Tuck
East.....................Doug Bergstein
Sad and Glad
Jimmy .................Tom Badowski
Sandrine .............Marie Schmukal
Waitress..............Julie Aitcheson
This Hurts
Steve...................Michael Carr
Marvalyn.............Jenifer Tuck
Getting It Back
Lendall................Liam Hannon
Gayle...................Linda Iannuzzi
We hope that you enjoy the intermission snacks. Proceeds
from your generous contributions will be donated to the MRV
Interfaith Council which, among other things, runs the MRV
Food Shelf.
Pete.....................Michael Carr
They Fell
Chad....................Doug Bergstein
Randy..................Michael Carr
Where it Went
Phil......................Liam Hannon
Marci ...................Marie Schmukal
Story of Hope
Woman................Linda Ianuzzi
Man .....................Doug Bergstein
Seeing the Thing
Rhonda ...............Julie Aitcheson
Dave....................Tom Badowski
Pete.....................Michael Carr
Ginette ................Julie Aitcheson
Produced and Directed by RuthAnn Pattee
Lighting Design by Irene Bishay and Winston Cadwell
Set Construction by Mikki Nucci, Michelle DiMario
Stage Manager ~ Joanne Puent