TAILS FROM THE CRYPT: a Live Comedic Dungeons & Dragons Show
One Night Only: Saturday, October 26, 7 pm
Doors open at 6:30 - BYO snacks & beverages
$5 suggested donation / Raffle tickets for prizes - 1 for $2, 3 for $5
Tails from the Crypt (not a type-o!)
As Halloween draws closer the distance between the land of the living and the dead shrinks. The restless dead are roaming the woods and striking fear into the hearts of the denizens of The Waiting Fields. Join us and our hirsute (hairy!) heroes as they brave dangers unknown to find what is causing the dead to rise in the animal kingdom.
Admission for the audience is a $5 donation to the Valley Players Theater.
This show is "rated" PG13 for some language and figurative violence and will
last approx. 2 hours with a short intermission. Audience members are
encouraged to bring CASH for their donation and raffle purchases; the
Valley Players Venmo code will also be available to scan for purchases.
Dungeons and Dragons is essentially a collective storytelling experience.
The players create characters they control and the game master creates
the world in which the characters interact with each other, other peoples,
monsters, landscapes, and of course dungeons. Players are free to interact
with the world as they wish. However, no matter what they want to do nor how
good they are at something, there is always a chance of failure. The 20-sided
die, or D20, determines the success or failure of the characters' actions.
While there are a lot of rules to the game, table top role playing is about being
creative and spontaneous which more often than not ends up being hilarious.
Playing these games in front of an audience adds an extra amount of
spontaneity. Audience members can make additional donations (to the Valley
Players) to participate in the show by altering game events at set times, such
Make a player re-roll a check.
Add/Subtract/Change monsters in a fight.
Bonuses to rolls.
The raffle tickets will be drawn for a prize at the end of the show.
Doors will open at 6:30.